Prof. John Shao
John Fanueli Shao, Tanzanian microbiologist. Secretary general G.A.M.A.S., Tanzania, 1992; member committee Health Sector Reform, 1993; director Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center, Tanzania, 1994. Member Medical Association Tanzania (president 1990-1992), Association of Pathologists Tanzania.
Lecturer, U. Daresalaam, 1978-1981; senior lecturer, U. Daresalaam, 1981-1986; dean of students, U. Daresalaam, 1982-1990; associate professor, U. Daresalaam, 1986-1990; professor, U. Daresalaam, 1990; professor, director, Kansas City.M.C. Hospital, Tanzania, since 1994. Secretary general Confederation of African Medical Assns. and Socs., since 1992. Chairman of Commission Ministry of Health, Tanzania, 1994.